Friday, August 27, 2010

One nearly new painting!

Why yes, it has been a while. And as I prepare to move back into the big city of Toronto, I put off my packing in order to update my blog. Clearly, I am a winner. Anyways, this week has been a bit hectic, and hasn't really involved a lot of artwork. However, a couple of people have requested that I design tattoos for them, so I've been doing some rough work for those. There aren't any real finished pieces to show this week. So instead, I'll post this painting, which I finished a while back.

This was largely an experimental piece, done without any plan or goal in mind. The medium is primarily acrylic on canvas, but also involves a little bit of ink, collage, and crackle paste.
As I said, this was an experimental piece, and it was my first exposure to the wonder that is crackle paste. I wasn't happy with its performance on this canvas, although I believe that may simply be due to the ratio of crackle paste to paint it was mixed with. My second crackle paste experiment yielded much more satisfying results.

Friday, August 20, 2010

New painting.

This is a painting I recently finished, based on a photograph I took last spring. It was my first attempt painting directly from a photograph, and I think it went reasonably well.

This is a fan that I created to be used as a prop in the show my campers were doing this summer. It's ink on rice paper, with bamboo skewers as the arms. This was finished in about three hours, but I really wish I had had more opportunity to work with prototypes so I could get the design into a better working order. As it was, it was just a pretty prop.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

please excuse the last post, the first image was incorrect. THIS is the correct image. Enjoy!

Commission Numero Uno

I got a commission for a pen drawing on Saturday, and here's the result of that.
The commission was requested when the client saw a pen drawing in my sketchbook done after an image by illustrator Arthur Rackham.