Monday, May 27, 2013

Daily Drawings: Week 1

Hello again, dear readers. This post is a little later than I would have liked it, but this past weekend was pretty busy. I moved out of my old apartment, and was as a result doing a whole lot of packing and unpacking. 

Below are three of the sketches from the past week.
I shall be posting again on Friday with my next batch of sketches.

Monday, May 20, 2013

New site up!

I have a new website in the works at the moment, found at The site is a much sleeker, streamlined, and generally nicer platform, and I will be switching my domain over to it in the near future.

Between hunting for work, I have been getting back to a bit of good, old-fashioned sketching, and am now going to make a promise to you, the internet. I am making it my mission, over the next year (and perhaps beyond), to sit down and draw daily. The studies and sketches that come out of this will be blogged on a regular, weekly basis. The plan is to improve my sketching ability, while also making a commitment to doing it regularly. Thank you for bearing witness.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Here is my commitment to more regular updates. Right here.

Grad Ex has come to a close, and with it my undergraduate degree. It's a peculiar feeling, being done. After a solid 17 years within the educational system, I am now free. Or at least, will be, as I don't yet have the diploma in my hand. Come June, however, the world is my oyster.

Grad Ex was an amazing experience, and gave me the opportunity to talk to a great number of interesting individuals with varying connections to the arts. Congratulations to my fellow medal winners, the work was fascinating and varied! It was truly an educational experience to top of the whole of my educational career (which isn't to say it's necessarily over, I won't preclude myself from the potential of graduate studies).

Attached is an image of my de-installed work, ready to leave the central hall. For images of the installed artwork, please refer to my website at